We are online!
General information
Date: 17-19 August, 2018.
Location: Ajka/Hungary, Bánki Donát Secondary and Students Hostel
Address: 8400 Ajka, Bródy I. str. 2., GPS: N47 06.242 E17 33.562 | OpenStreetMap | Google Maps
Entry fee: Due to legal reasons you can enter the party for free. Actually you can pay supporter ticket for 3000HUF / 10EUR. (Please do so: Wanna have another party next year?)
How to get there
By train: Get off from any train/Inter City at the station of Ajka. Have a walk on Alkotmány street until you get to the roundabout. Go on the same direction (street name is Deák Ferenc from here on) until you reach the school. Google Maps
By bus: Take off at Ajka central and have a walk on Petőfi street until you get to the theather. Cross the brook and you are there! Google Maps
By car: Take the GPS coordinates or the exact address (Ajka, Bródy I. str. 2. | N47 06.242 E17 33.562)! The school's area and the street next to have VERY limited space for cars, so keep an eye on parking, as there are parking places NOT free close to this zone! Check the map below!
parking map
Party features
  • room for over 100 visitors
  • big screen
  • darkened main hall
  • new, brighter projector
  • concert quality audio
  • seminars and talks
  • open air concert with real stage
  • outdoor area
  • IRL rpg
  • wifi internet access
  • live stream
  • hostel rooms on spot (~50 persons)
  • shower
  • Accomodation
    Besides local motels you can rent a room at the student hostel (which is annex of the school). There are 6 beds in a room and it costs 3040HUF for a night / person, 5540HUF for two nights. You can book by contacting gombos.nikolett@ajkaiszik.hu. Be quick, only ~50 beds available!
    In case of remote entry, question, request or emergency use arok@singularcrew.hu
    If you need more specific help:
    Poison: balazs.oszvald@gmail.com | +36702529323
    Cargo: gabor.guzslovan@gmail.com | +36202597406
    No drugs allowed: not inside, neither outside. Just to be clear, the place is next to the police station and we won't think twice if we find you wasted.
    Alcohol is allowed at the place, but not on the street. If you get drunk, you will be kicked outside into the fresh air.
    We are close to residential area: after 10pm the outside activity should turn the volume down.
    Take care of the equipment / building! Any damage you cause should be payed by you right on spot.
    If you smoke (outside only), use the bins we put all over the place! Thank you.
    We kindly ask you to get rid selectively of your waste. There will be lots of sacks to do so. It will make our lives much easier. Thank you.
    You can enter all demoscene related competitions using any 8bit platform. Bring your gear to be sure we can show your entry on real hardware! Our compo machines are: C64 (VSP safe, old/new SID selectable) + 1541/2 + U1541/2 / ide64 + MP3 card, plus4 + SID card + 1541/2 / 1551. If your hw outputs exotic video signal (no svideo or composite), please contact us in time!

    We accept remote entries in all of the compo categories, although this way your price is fame only. Send your entry to arok@singularcrew.hu!

    All categories will be pre-filtered. Cancelling an entry is our own right. Porn, provocation, racism are primary reasons for cancelling. Entering any compo you take over the liability that your entry is your own work only and you are responsible for all copyright issues. You grant us the right to freely distribute your work after the party.


    10 minutes max. runtime. Let us know if it needs any interaction (disk swap, keypress, etc.)!


    Should be executable. Any screen format allowed. Included work stages needed. Animation/scroll not allowed. Can have signature on it. 1 entry / competitor.


    Should be executable. 3 minutes max. runtime. Can use digitized samples. No remixes/covers allowed! 1 entry / competitor.


    Should be a cover/remix of any existing 8bit game / demo tune. 3 minutes max. MP3 format, stereo, max. 256kbit/s constant bitrate. Will be played on C64.


    Anything that doesn't fit into the categorie above: live performance, animation, tech demo, anything...

    We are preparing some extra compos for your enjoyment that a whole family play ;)


    The game and rules will be announced at the party to avoid preparation and training.


    Live spy job. Bring your smartphones, you will need them!

    IRL pixel hobby compo

    Your pixel hobby master piece created on spot will be presented on the big screen.

    Schedule (WIP)
    14:00 doors open
    20:00 demo show
    22:00 Ziona's 64 remix set - live on Slay Radio

    8:00 pixel key holder compo starts
    10:00 seminar: SD1541/2 & Z80 Tape
    10:30 Activity
    11:00 game compo
    14:00 Laser Squad
    15:00 music compo
    15:30 remix compo
    16:30 Checkpoint Podcast live recording
    18:00 SIDRip concert (warmup: Feedback)
    21:00 graphics compo, pixelized key holders
    21:30 wild compo
    22:00 demo compo
    00:00 price giving ceremony

    10:00 doors close